This possum often spends the day sleeping in the rafters of the campground shower block. Few people notice that it is there. When it realised I had seen it it watched me warily, with claws ready to attack if it felt threatened. It went back to sleep after I took the photo, but was gone the next day.
I accidentally went too close to the variable oystercatchers' nest and was told to leave in no uncertain terms.
Juvenile pied shags are nearly adult size by the time they fledge and leave the nest. These have outgrown their nest space, but don't yet have enough feathers to fly.
Red rock crabs hide in crevices while they wait for the tide to return. They can often be heard scuttling away from intruders (ie people) and may be seen watching us as we go by.
A small active bird sometimes found on the shoreline. Known as banded dotterel in New Zealand and double-banded plover elsehwere.
AuthorThis page highlights one photo from each outing. The subjects will vary - it will be whatever caught my eye or was most special on that day. Categories |